"But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvellous light" (1Pet 2:9).

Today I would like to share that the Most High Father has awarded me the title of 'Queen'. I...

Today we conclude this series on 'Walking in the Commandments of God'. It has been my privilege and honour to write these messages under the leading of Holy Spirit. Thank you for your encouragement and support over the last 21 days.

I feel I cannot close the series without warning you about the t...

Yesterday we showed that heaven and hell are real. Today I would like to reflect on how we escape eternal torment in hell.

Hell has been created for satan and the angels who rebelled against God. As a result of the fall of Adam and Eve we are all born into sin, and because the wages of sin is deat...

Walking with God requires daily repentance. The first point I would like to address under this topic is whether we believe that heaven and hell are real or just fables made up to ensure good behaviour and conformity to rules.

If we believe that Jesus is who He said He is, the Son of God, then we...

We are continuing our discussion on our daily walk with Jesus. Today I would like to focus on worship as we are instructed in Scripture to worship God. Here are a few verses encouraging us to worship God:

  1. "Worship the Lord you God and serve Him only" (Luke 4:8).
  2. "Ascribe to the Lord the glory...

Walking with God requires a relationship and intimacy. The Word often refers to followers of Jesus as His bride, His chosen ones, His elect, the Body of Christ. Our walk with God should be aimed at reaching this level of intimacy so that we can also like John at the last supper lay our heads on Jesu...

Our next area of focus in this series of "Walking in the commandments of Yah" is to reflect on what that looks like on a daily basis.

This is what the Apostle Paul advises us to do, "Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of Yah in Christ Jesus...

Today I would like to share scriptures that highligtht the rewards of 'loving our neighbour as ourselves'. They all teach the same message - it is good to give.

  1. "Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For...

By now I am sure we all have a good understanding of what it means to love our neighbour. Before we leave this topic there are two warnings we should consider.

Giving out of love should mean we are driven by a desire to address a need of another. This should be our only objective. Our giving shou...

Jesus said we should love our neighbour as ourselves (Luke 10:27). Upon declaring this, Jesus was asked the question, "Who is my neighbour?" Jesus then replied by telling the parable of the good Samaritan, recorded in Luke 10:29-37.

From this I understand that our neighbour is anyone who needs he...