Please do not taking any further injections that are supposedly meant to protect you against the recent and ongoing pandemic and the new varieties of it, or even the new plagues that will be brought forth. Satan is using the plagues and the associated injections (also tablets in future or available...
Month: July 2022
“The sum of Your word is truth, and every one of Your righteous ordinances is everlasting” (Ps.119:160).
Do we truly believe that God’s Word recorded for us in the Bible is truth? We may say or even think that we believe but our actions sometimes show the opposite. This is what Jeremiah prophesie...
We serve a Covenant Keeping God. He is faithful and His steadfast love endures forever. In the scripture below we read what we should do to remain faithful to Him and pay our vows of the Covenant. Alongside each verse I have provided my interpretation in brackets.
JOB 22:21-30 (New King James Vers...