Month: January 2021

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Today I am reflecting on just 5 attributes of God. God is holy, faithful and powerful. God loves us, but He is also our judge.

God is Holy: Exodus 15:11 - "Who is like You, O Yahuah, among the gods? Who is like You majestic in holiness, awesome in glorious deeds, doing wonders? The Word also stat...

"You shall love Yahuah Elohayka with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind" (Matt 22:37).

To love God is to know Him. Do you know Him? Do you know His character? In Psalm 91:14 God gives us these beautiful promises, saying, "Because he cleaves to me in love, I will deliver...

For the next 21 days I am doing a daily post on Walking in the Commandments of Yah. I pray that you will take this journey with me. I do not claim to know all the answers, but I have found that my knowledge and faith grow as I dig into the Word and formulate my thoughts to express them in writing.


Today I am sharing with you Psalm 91. This is my 'go to' Psalm during these dark days. My prayer is that each one who reads this Psalm will embrace the wonderful promises made to us by the Most High Father, the One who loves each and every one of us and whose Words will not return to Him void, witho...

Today we normally greet one another with "Happy New Year". My greeting to one and all today is "Repent, the Kingdom of Yah is at hand".

Brothers and Sisters, this is a serious time we are in. There is an enemy out there roaming around to see who he can devour. Us walking in sin, tolerating sin and...

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