Today we normally greet one another with "Happy New Year". My greeting to one and all today is "Repent, the Kingdom of Yah is at hand".

Brothers and Sisters, this is a serious time we are in. There is an enemy out there roaming around to see who he can devour. Us walking in sin, tolerating sin and walking through this life oblivious to this danger is a victory to satan. The Word for us today is as recorded in Ephesians 5:14: "Awake, O sleeper, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give you light." Jesus is calling all of us today to repent.

Please search your hearts today. If there is any manifestation of pride in your life, gluttony, envy, jealousy, anger, unforgiveness, sexual sin or slothfulness, then please repent. The Word warns us in Revelation 21:8: "But as for the cowardly, the faithless, the polluted, as for murderers, fornicators, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars, their lot shall be in the lake that burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death."

Repentance means, acknowledging your sin, asking Jesus to forgive you your sin and then turning your life around away from sin. Through His mercy, we do not have to do this turning of our lives around on our own. When we repent, we are washed by his precious blood, making us white as snow and He then grants us the gift of the Holy Spirit to teach and to guide us. Hallelujah!!!

My Prayer for all of us today is according to Psalm 119:37-40. Jesus, please turn away my eyes from beholding vanity, and quicken me in Your way. Confirm Your word unto Your servant, who is devoted to fear You. Turn away my reproach which I fear, for Your judgements are good. Behold, I have longed after Your precepts; quicken me in Your righteousness. Aman.