Month: September 2020

Holy Yahushua, today we come together to intercede for our Brothers and Sisters across the world who are being persecuted for believing in You and for proclaiming Your name.

Thank you for Brothers and Sisters across the world who know You and who have received you as Lord and Saviour. Father we kn...

Holy Father we come before you to pray for Your mercy in the judgements that are now here and that are coming upon the world.

Your Word warns of judgements of pestilence, famine, destruction and war upon the unrighteous. Your words also says that you take no pleasure in the death of anyone and th...

Now after John was arrested, Jesus came into Galilee, preaching the gospel of God, saying, "The time is fulfilled, and the Kingdom of God is at hand; REPENT, and believe in the gospel." (Mark 1:24-15)

Dear Lord Jesus, you preached that we should all repent and believe the good news about forgivene...

Dear Lord Jesus today we come before You to ask for eyes to see and ears to hear what You are doing within us and around us at this time.

As darkness increases around us we are feeling exposed and vulnerable. Many of us are broken and in need of healing. Many are under attack physically, financia...

Dear Lord Jesus, you instruct us as Your disciples to feed Your sheep. Please forgive us for being slack in obeying this instruction.

Please help us to fully submit to Your will for our lives and deepen our faith so that we can step out boldly knowing that You will equip us for whatever You want u...

Dear Holy Yahushua, we come before you today to ask for wisdom and discernment.

There are so many forces and voices out there trying to draw our focus away from You. Please grant us the wisdom to only focus on the task You have laid before us - to walk in relationship with You and in love with tho...

Heavenly Father today we come before you to give You thanks and to rejoice in Your love for us. Thank you that You paid the penalty for our sins. Because you died in our place we have life, eternal life. Thank you.

Thank you for the blessings that You pour out on us day after day. Thank you for fo...

Dear Lord Jesus, today we come together to intercede for those who have no one praying for them. We are praying for those who are elderly and alone, those who are destitute, those who have lost loved ones through death or divorce and those who have lost contact with others through whatever circumsta...

For this month of September I'm planning to post a daily prayer as the Holy Spirit leads. Please feel free to add a prayer in the comments as you feel led.

Dear Lord Jesus we are coming before you today to intercede for our loved ones. We pray for those who are still caught up by the trappings of...

Dear Brothers and Sisters, please join me in prayer for all our children today.

Holy Yahushua, thank you that you have blessed us with the gift of children. Today we want to intercede for them and lay them upon Your altar. In Your mercy please forgive them their sins. We come and we stand on Your...