Dear Lord Jesus today we come before You to ask for eyes to see and ears to hear what You are doing within us and around us at this time.
As darkness increases around us we are feeling exposed and vulnerable. Many of us are broken and in need of healing. Many are under attack physically, financially and spiritually and in need of Your protection and many are paralysed by fear at this time of great uncertainty.
Please forgive us for allowing our hearts to grow dull, our ears heavy with hearing and our eyes closed and for failing to hear Your words of love and comfort. Thank you that you continue to knock on the door of our hearts and calling us to come to you for shelter. Please open our eyes and our ears and grant us understanding of Your great love for us. Please also grant us the humility and the courage to call out to You, the Lord of lords and the King of kings, the only one who can bring us peace and comfort at this time.
We pray the in the name of Jesus. Aman.