Heavenly Father today we come before you to give You thanks and to rejoice in Your love for us. Thank you that You paid the penalty for our sins. Because you died in our place we have life, eternal life. Thank you.

Thank you for the blessings that You pour out on us day after day. Thank you for food, for shelter and for people who love and care for us. But most of all, thank you for Your love. We rejoice knowing that nothing can separate us from Your love; not death, life, angels, principalities, demons, things present or things to come or anything else in all creation. Hallelujah.

Thank you for Your Word that teaches us about You and how we should walk in love with You and with one another. Thank you for the many examples in the Word of Your power, might, faithfulness and love. Your Word deepens our faith and gives us hope for tomorrow. Thank you.

Thank you for Your Holy Spirit that lives within us - our Helper, our Teacher, our Counselor and our Comforter.

Thank you Jesus that you are coming back, that we will see you face to face and live in your presence for all eternity. Aman.