Please do not taking any further injections that are supposedly meant to protect you against the recent and ongoing pandemic and the new varieties of it, or even the new plagues that will be brought forth. Satan is using the plagues and the associated injections (also tablets in future or available already) as a means to mark you for himself and to separate you from Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Please read Revelation 13 and 14 for more information about satan’s mark and the eternal consequences thereof. The events explained in the Book of Revelation are happening now. Also read Matthew Chapter 24 and the Book of Daniel to gain understanding of the events that are currently unfolding around us.
These statements may sound like science fiction or even madness, but unfortunately are true. The injection contains snake genetic material and a microchip, using alien (fallen angel) material and nano technology which causes the human 2 strand DNA to be transformed into a 3 strand DNA (triple helix). When this process is complete the human is no longer that which God has created. Rather, it becomes a being that can be used by satan and activated and controlled at his will to do his bidding.
The substances that enter the body through these injections also destroy the body’s immune system. As a result, there will be much death in future as the body can no longer defend itself from all kinds of diseases and illnesses we have in the past been able to fight off naturally.
The Bible tells us that satan is a liar and a deceiver. God, on the other hand promises us forgiveness of sin and eternal life in His presence. Death of this body we are in at the moment is not our ultimate end. We are eternal beings that live forever. Our lives here on earth is to teach us who God is and to learn to wisely use the gifts God has given us. We all have received different gifts and talents which we are to explore and use. However, the main gift God has given all of us is the hope of salvation. All we have to do to receive this gift is to ask Jesus to forgive us our sins and commit our lives to turning away from sin and following His commandments.
Please go before God today and plead forgiveness for the sin of accepting the lies of satan and giving in to the fear that satan has and is spreading. Embrace the gift of God’s love and His promises to us like those in Psalm 91 and trust that God will be with you in any circumstances or hardships that you are facing today or may encounter in future.
May God have mercy on us All.