“For thus says the Lord of hosts, ‘Once more in a little while, I am going to shake the heavens and the earth, the sea also and the dry land.” (Haggai 2:6)

Over the last month there were over 4000 earthquakes worldwide of which 12 measured more than 6 on the Richter’s scale.

When we look at what is happening in the world around us, we recognise the things written about in the Word, and prophesied by the prophets of the Most High Father in our day. There are ongoing wars and rumours of wars, with men currently being called up to military service in Russia. Earthquakes and hurricanes are increasing in intensity and no less than 27 volcanoes worldwide currently erupting. Many nations are experiencing economic woes arising from increasing inflation and instability in world currencies. Due to disruption of energy supply as a result of war, some wealthy nations are expecting loadshedding this winter, a practice only experienced in 3rd world nations. In addition, darkness and sin, including sexual sin, gender dysphoria, defilement of the physical body through pharmakia, vanity causing consumption of young blood to maintain youth, and more, are ever increasing and spreading across the world. These are abominations God hate, yet the world no longer cares about what God commanded, but rather accept, follow, do, and practice that which pleases man.

Because of sin in the world, God will bring judgements upon the earth to turn man back to God. The Word states: “They do not know, nor do they understand; They walk about in darkness; All the foundations of the earth are shaken.” (Psalm 82:5). In the Book of Amos chapters 4 and 5 we read about all the judgements God will bring upon the earth to draw man back to God. “For thus says the Lord to the house of Israel: Seek Me and live” (Amos 5:4).

The judgements, the shaking of heaven and earth have begun. My message today is to encourage ALL to call out to God and to repent of sin.

Let us remember the story of Job and follow his example. When he lost his children, his wealth and his health, he did not curse God but said: “ The LORD gave, and the LORD has taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD.” (Job 1:21)

When you see the events described above from afar, then fall on your knees and repent. Pray for those affected. Spread the good news that Jesus died on the Cross for the forgiveness of sins for everyone. Live a life of repentance, a new life washed by the blood of Christ. Praise God for His goodness and keep watching with joyful anticipation for the soon return of Jesus, our Lord and Saviour to this earth.

If, like Job, the shaking is happening to you, and you lose all your possessions, or you see loved ones die, your house swept away by storm waters or destroyed in earthquakes, or when you suffer physical injury or whatever else; let your response be no different from what it should be when you only see it from afar. Seek comfort in God. Look to God for strength through the storm and for provision of all your needs. Repent and rejoice for your redemption draws near. God restored Job and gave him back double of what he lost. Reach out to others, help others, pray for others. God allowed the storm in your life, the calamity that you experience so that you will call out to Him. Do it. He loves you.

Our lives on earth is but a vapour, a short moment. It can be filled with adversity, pain and many struggles. This is to make us understand that this life and this place where we find ourselves is not our home. We cannot navigate through this life in our own strength, without God. Therefore, let us swallow our pride, tell God that we need help. God is our loving Father. Read Luke 15:11-31 about the Father’s joy when the prodigal son returned, and also about the Father’s heart in Matthew 7:10-11. God loves us and wants to be a refuge and a fortress to us (Psalm 91).

We are in the days of the end of this age. Jesus is coming back soon. Prepare for His coming. These events we are seeing have been prophesied and will intensify. However, let us seek God even more as these events intensify. Let us take comfort in the promises of Psalm 91 and rejoice because our redemption draws near.

My Prayer

Father Ahayah, thank you that in You we are safe. Father, please help us to remain close to You and not to become drawn into the ever increasing darkness surrounding us. Please help us not to become overwhelmed during the shaking of heaven and earth. Help us to remain strong, with our eyes focussed of You. Help us to trust you through the storms and deepen our faith in Your ability to provide and take care of us through all circumstances. We pray in the name of Holy Yashayah. Aman.