“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God” (John 1:1).
Today I would like to encourage you to read the Bible from cover to cover.
You may already know and use many scriptures from the Bible that carry you through difficult times and some that bring you joy. However, if that is all you are taking from the Word you are missing out on the many wonders and treasures in the Word. Making an investment of time to read and study the Word has the power to fulfil and transform us.
My personal testimony is that I have been washed by the Word. When I started reading the Bible in earnest, I began to understand God better, how He operates, how He loves us and that He has a purpose for all of us.
In Ephesians 5:26-27 we read that we, the church, is sanctified by the washing of the Word, to be presented to Christ in splendour, holy, and without spot or blemish.
In 2 Timothy 2:15 we are instructed to study to show ourselves approved so that we can rightly handle the Word of Truth.
There are many reasons why we should take the time to read the Bible in its entirety. Here are some:
- The answers to all the many questions we may have are found in the Word of God.
- The Bible teaches us who God is, His steadfast love for us, His faithfulness, patience, His greatness and power, and so much more.
- The Bible is a book of instruction for every life situation and how God wants us to live our lives. It teaches us God’s commandments, what God loves and what He hates.
- Through the lives of those written about in the Bible we begin to understand how God engages with man.
- It tells us what we can expect from God, not only his many promises of blessings, provision and protection, but also the punishment that comes from rebellion and disobedience.
- It also shows us how special we are to God. It shows us how God has a plan and a purpose for each of us and how He orchestrates the events that bring those plans to pass.
- It teaches us how to love God and how to show our love for Him.
- The Word teaches us how to engage with others.
- The Bible teaches us about who we are, where we come from and where we are going.
- The Bible teaches us what we can expect to come to pass and what the future holds for us.
I have just given 10 reasons, but there are many more. The Bible is a book filled with treasures. As you read it, and read it again, more and more is revealed to you. Your understanding and wisdom grow and more layers of truth are opened up to you. No wonder the Word is described as living and active, sharper than a two-edge sword (Hebrews 4:12). Just as Jesus is alive and active today and ever present with us, the Word is alive and ready to transform us. We often spend money to treat ourselves to adventures, a holiday or a good meal. I appeal to you today to invest your time in and to treat yourself to the living Word. It has the power to enrich and fulfil you beyond measure.
My Prayer
Holy YahshaYah, thank you for the Word. Thank you that you ARE the Word. Thank you Father, that we still have access to Your Word today. Father, please forgive us for not feeding from Your Word, for neglecting to pick up our Bibles and feasting on the manna you have left there for us to guide us and sustain us through this life. Please give us a hunger for Your Word and enlighten our understanding as we read it. I pray in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, our Saviour and Redeemer. Aman.