This video explains what Wakefulness Theology, the organisation I have been part of since 2017 is about.
If you are unable to watch the video, this is the transcript below the video:
WAKEFULNESS THEOLOGY IS… A gathering of servants of The Most High Father striving to become mature sons of Yah by attaining the mind of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
Wakefulness arose out of the understanding that we find ourselves in a place of bondage, in a world ruled by an adversary, satan, who through various means has deceived us into believing that this virtual-life-experience is reality. In Wakefulness Theology we understand that we are to break free from this matrix illusion by the renewing of our minds according to the guidance from Romans 12:2 "Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is--his good, pleasing and perfect will". This, we believe will bring about wholeness/holiness in Christ.
As such Wakefulness Theology is a coalition of Christians who agree on these things:
- We are called to form an ecclesia or one Body of Christ in these last days. We are not to stay in divided sub-groups of Christianity that have been hijacked by paganism and satanism.
- We are called to be kings and priests (of the restored Order of Melchizedek) unto the Most High Father, AHAYAH, EL Shaddai, our Elohyim.
- We are called to worship and spiritually grow in the ways prescribed in the Holy Bible, for example: a. Honouring the 7th day Sabbath, which we recognise as Saturday. b. Worshipping on Yah’s new moons, c. Honouring Yah’s Holy feast days, and d. Setting ourselves apart through our lives, our dress, and our foods as commanded in the Scriptures.
The Word tells us that Holy YahshaYah came to fulfil the law, not to abolish it. (Matthew 5:17)
As a Group, our goal is to create a network of priests, prophets, apostles, teachers, pastors and Children of Light around the world. This network is necessary to help us build Christian safe places in preparation for the Christian persecution we have been warned is coming. Yah be willing, In each safe place we will:
- Grow our own food
- Be energy sufficient
- Have renewable water sources
- Minister to the community
- Provide housing
- Set up our own Tabernacles and Altars to Yah.
As the Founder of Wakefulness Theology, the Most High Father has called Apostle Paula to release a book called “The Book of Numbers 2023”. The Book will be out next year and is a tool from heaven to help the Body of Christ (that will be fully established in or around the Hebrew year 2025), to better understand the language from heaven. Apostle Betsie is editing the book.
Each Priest affiliated with Wakefulness Theology has their own ministry and we have come together to help each other grow and go up in our Aliyahs, which is the journey to spiritual maturity in Christ. In our personal ministries Apostles Paula and Betsie have been called to spread the word to 200 cities about transformation and the renewal of minds. This must happen to prepare the way for the escape and the return of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
Our guiding principle is to love the Most High Father with all our heart, our mind, our soul, all our strength, and to love our neighbour as ourselves. We are establishing an NGO called Wakefulness Orphans and Widows Tanzania to carry out this command as in James 1:27 "Religion that is pure and undefiled before God and the Father is this, to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world". (Please see our website: for more information about this initiative)
We pray that this information is enough to encourage you to look into the many years of manna we received from heaven on our Wakefulness Theology YouTube Channel.