We are taught not to lean on our own understanding (Prov3:5). However, sometimes when we are faced with a difficult decision and we ask Father for direction, we find that He does not always answer us. I am sure we have all encountered times when we were desperately seeking Father’s counsel, but it appeared as if He is not there and we felt as if we are in the wilderness with no voice to give us direction. I want to assure you today that Father is always speaking to us. His voice is never quiet. He speaks to us in so many different ways, including through words, dreams, visions, numbers, manifestations and more. Even if He is not speaking to us in the ways we are familiar with, He continues to speak to us through His Word. That is why we are instructed to study the Word to show ourselves approved (2Tim2:15).

My understanding is that at those times when we do not hear from Him that Father is putting us through a test to see whether we are able to apply what He has taught us to make a righteous judgement in the particular situation. He wants to see whether we can analyse the situation by applying Biblical principles and then make the right decision accordingly.

We are living at a critical and dangerous time. The enemy is roaming around with even greater determination during these end times to destroy the saints and the ministries Father has raised up. We may not always have the luxury of time in every situation to first consult with Father and to wait on His answer before we act. Think of the situation where King Solomon was confronted with the two mothers who brought the baby to him to determine who was speaking the truth (1Kings3:16-27). Solomon judged righteously in this situation by the fruit of the woman who was prepared to give up the baby to save his life. This a good example for us to follow. We must remember that Father has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a SOUND MIND (2Tim1:7). Let us therefore in all circumstances use the wisdom Father has given us through studying His Word and by applying the principles from the Word to make a righteous decision at those times when it appears that Yah is silent.

And in the event that we make the wrong decision we must remember that is Yah eternally loving and longsuffering. He loves us and if we earnestly seek Him He will continue to instruct us and teach us His way. It may be that He will take us a few steps back on our journey in order for us to relearn certain steps, but the learning and guiding from the Father will continue for as long as we abide in Him.


Thank you Father AhaYah, that you have given us Your Word as a lamp to our path through this life. Please give us a hunger for Your Word and forgive us for the many times we have neglected to study your Word. Please continue to teach us and guide us to apply Your Word correctly to make righteous judgements from day to day. We pray in the mighty name of Holy YahshaYah. Aman.