Today I would like to shout from the rooftop for all to hear and take note: “JESUS IS COMING”.

Jesus said to his disciples that He is coming back. Do you believe that He is coming back or have you joined those who say that he was expected 2000 years ago during the time of the Apostles and yet He still has not come. Are you questioning why you should believe those who say that His coming is now. If this, even in the slightest, describe your thinking about Jesus’s return then I urged you to please read this message and watch the video shared below.

Jesus instructs us to watch for his return. He gave us an explanation of the signs to looked out for prior to His return (Matthew 24, Luke 21, the Book of Revelation). Jesus told many parables pointing to a long absence and unexpected return of the Master. There are also parables of people being called but not willing to accept the invitation to the banquet or who have fallen asleep at the return of the bridegroom.

The Word states that we do not know the date or the hour of His return. However, as followers of Jesus we should be able to discern the season of His return. The Word assures us that there is a season for everything. What was, will be again. At His first coming the news of His coming was shared by many prophets including Isaiah who lived around 700 year prior to the birth of Christ. The writings of the prophets enabled the ‘Wise Men” to read the signs and to bring gifts to the Christ Child. The Most High Father does nothing without revealing it first to His prophets (Amos 3:7). Just like He informed Simeon and Anna of the birth of the Messiah, He is confirming His return to His prophets today.

Jesus’s return is imminent!!! If you are not yet convinced of this truth, then I encourage you to watch this message by Joe Sweet in which he shares Scripture that confirm we are in the season of the return of our Messiah. Hallelujah!!!

My Prayer

Father AhaYah, thank you that this current age of hardship, suffering and darkness is not meant to last forever. Thank you that the time of the return of Jesus is at hand. Father, please prepare our hearts to embrace this truth, please open our understanding about the times we are in and guide us to prepare our hearts for the return of our Messiah. Aman.