Today, let us lament before the Father for those who trust in their riches, power and fame and who do not acknowledge the Father for His blessings.

“It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God” (Mark 10:25).

“Do not toil to acquire wealth; be wise enough to desist. When your eyes light upon it, it is gone; for suddenly it takes to itself wings, flying like an eagle toward heaven” (Pro.23:4-5).

My Prayer

Father AhaYah, today we come before you to plead for Your mercy on those who put their trust in the wealth, success, fame, knowledge and prestige they gained in this life rather than in You. Father thank you that you have blessed many with wealth and success and opportunities to study and learn about things. Thank you for those who apply what You have blessed them with for the benefit of others and Your Kingdom.

Father, we are grieved by the level of greed and abuse we see around us. Today we come before You to lament for those who have sold their souls to the enemy to achieve the vain glories of this world. Riches, power and fame are often acquired through oppression and exploitation of others; through crooked ways including extortion, child labour, and evil practices that enslave the poor and the destitute. Some empires of wealth are built on drug trafficking and prostitution.

The greed of man and his hunger for power have resulted in an alarming imbalance in the world where a few enjoy extreme wealth while mothers watching their children die from malnutrition and starvation is a daily occurrence in many parts of the world. Today we cry out to you for the victims of these unjust practices. Father, in Your mercy please set the captives free and bring restitution to those who are suffering.

Father we are praying for those who have become accustomed to seeing doors being opened for them in the world system because of their riches, power and fame. They trust in the false security that these things bring. Father, they do not understand that these things have no lasting value and that the tables can be turned upon them in an instant. In Your mercy please open their understanding that true riches and treasure are only found in You.

Father we also intercede for those who are looking with longing to the riches, power and fame of others. Father, many spend their lives striving to gain these things, believing that it is the gateway to a fulfilled life, only to find that the wealth they gather, often at the cost of personal relationships, is never enough and that it does not bring wholeness to a soul who does not know You.

Father AhaYah, Your Word states that the fear of You is the beginning of wisdom. Father, show Yourself to the nations and fill this generation with the fear of You. Father, please help us not to be wise in our own eyes but to shun evil. Your We pray in the name of Jesus. Aman.