Refrain from anger and turn from wrath; do not fret - it leads only to evil" (Ps.37:8).

"A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger. The tongue of the wise dispenses knowledge, but the mouth of fools pours out folly" (Prov.15:1-2).

"Do not avenge yourselves, beloved, but leave room for God's wrath. For it is written: 'Vengeance is Mine; I will repay, says AHAYAH'" (Rom.12:19).

Father AHAYAH, I come before You today to plead forgiveness for allowing emotions of anger and wrath to disturb Your peace within me and for uttering words of hurt and destruction to others in anger. Forgive me where I have taken matters into my own hands to pay others back for the wrongs done to me. Father, Your Word is clear on the evil of operating in anger and wrath and is a lamp to our feet that convicts us of the error of our ways. I therefore plead forgiveness for all anger, wrath, malice, slander, and foul talk from my mouth (Col.3:8). Please forgive me of all my evil ways and wash me with the Blood of the Lamb.

Father AHAYAH today, in Your name and authority, all renounce all hatred, anger, resentment, revenge, retaliation, unforgiveness, and bitterness. I forgive any person who has ever hurt me, disappointed me, abandoned me, mistreated me, or rejected me in the name of YashaYah.

Father, please instruct me and teach me Your ways. Please set a guard over my mouth and keep watch over the door of my lips (Ps.141:3). Please teach me to always weigh my answers and not to allow evil, wrath and bitterness to pour out of my mouth.

Father, Your Word tells us that love covers a multitude of sins (1Pet.4:8). Thank you YashaYah for the example You set for us by interceding for those who killed You. Please expand my capacity to love so that I can also forgive and pray for those who hurt me.

Father self-control is one of the fruits of Your Spirit. Please grow this fruit within me so that I will always be in control of all my emotions. Father I pray that Your peace that surpasses all understanding will remain with me always.

I pray in the name of YashaYah, my Saviour. Aman.