Father AHAYAH, I come before you to ask, on behalf of this generation, forgiveness for greed. Father, we see around us the devastation caused by the love of money and possessions. We see vast riches in the hands of a few while the masses are trapped in the bondage of poverty, struggling to survive from day to day. Father, Your Word warns us the love of money is the root of all evil. Today the world around us is filled with darkness and evil, including abuse, oppression and exploitation of the poor and the vulnerable. Wealth and possession are acquired through whatever means including bribery, corruption, lying, false witness, theft and murder. We see people working hard without seeing the fruit of their labour. They build houses, but they themselves live in squalor. They work in the field all day long, but their children suffer lack.
Father unfortunately as individuals operating in this society, we are not without guilt. We are reaping the benefits of this exploitation often without considering the hardship suffered by those producing our inexpensive clothing or the impact of the instant conveniences that we use on the environment. Father, please forgive me, please forgive us for being part of this generation focused on self and driven by greed.
Father AHAYAH, reflecting on the state of our world is overwhelming. My prayer is - May Thy Kingdom come quickly, may Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Father, please grant us wisdom to see our nakedness regardless of our material wealth. Please help us to wake up to the injustices on which our world systems are built and help us as Your children to step out of the 'world'. Father, please keep us free from the love of money and content with what we have. Your Word assures us that you will never leave or forsake us and it tells us how you feed the birds of the air. Please deepen our faith and trust in You to provide for us out the abundance of Your treasures.
Father AHAYAH, I pray for my Brothers and Sisters who are still striving to 'make it' in this world system that they will heed Your call to all of us to come out of 'Babylon'. Your Word states: "For everything in the world—the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life—comes not from the Father but from the world" (1John 2:16). Please help them to understand that the riches this world has to offer is all vanity and soon passing away. Father, please teach them and all of us to store up for ourselves treasures in heaven.
Father, please teach us to love our neighbour as ourselves. Please teach us all the principle of sowing and reaping so that we will give to those in need whether we are rich or poor. Father, thank you for those you have blessed with wealth. Please teach them not to trust in their riches but to put their trust only in You.
Thank you Father AHAYAH for Your love for us and for Your blessings that are new every morning. In the name of YashaYah. Aman.