Before we reflect on faith, Yah's promises and obedience, I would like to banish any doubts we may have about living under the rule of a fallen angel, satan. Let us consider satan's words when he tempted YahshaYah, "Again, the devil took him (YahshaYah) to a very high mountain, and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and the glory of them; and he said to him, "All these I will give you, if you will fall down and worship me" (Matt.4:8-9). The fall of man gave satan dominion over the earth and as such it is in his power to offer it to whosoever he pleases.

Today secularism, moral decay, evil and abuse are at the order of the day across the earth with governments enacting laws contrary to the commandments of Yah. Could it be that satan has made the same offer he made to YahshaYah to individuals we see on the world stage today - politicians, celebrities, the rich and the famous? Could it be that he offered them power or fame and fortune which they could not resist and now find themselves within his power and under his control? Psalm 2 seems to support this thought. It reads: "Why do the nations conspire and the peoples plot in vain? The kings of the earth set themselves and the rulers take counsel together against the Lord and his anointed" (Ps.2:1-2). Be it as it may, the word tells us that satan's kingdom, the current world system, Babylon, is going to fall (Isa.21:9 / Jer.50:46 / Rev18:2) and that satan's ultimate future is in the eternal fire prepared for him and his hords (Mat.25:41 / Rev.20:10).

We should remember that we are sojourners, travellers, and that this place we find ourselves in is not our home. We should not be too comfortable in the world we are in and set ourselves on 'making it' in satan's kingdom. There is a decision for all of us to make. Satan, the ruler of this world promises us freedom to do all our flesh desires. Many live by the rule that anything that money can buy is good as long as we don't hurt anyone. As travellers passing through let us apply our freewill wisely and take heed of the warning by Apostle Peter: "Beloved, I beseech you as aliens and exiles to abstain from the passions of the flesh that wage war against your soul" (1Pet.2:11). We are encouraged to "Come out of her (the world system) for her sins are heaped high as heaven, and Yah has remember her iniquities" (Rev.18:4-5).

We are destined for the Kingdom of Yah and as such we have to overcome the attraction of the promises of this world and the lust of the flesh - money, fame, material possessions, financial security, prestige and the honour of man. All these things will not benefit us if we are not standing on the firm foundation which is YahshaYah. Let us use our freewill to first seek the Kingdom of Yah and His righteousness, and all the things that we need will be added unto us (Mat.6:33).

Father AHAYAH, we stand before you today to pray as YahshaYah taught us: Hallowed be thy name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Today we proclaim the words of Joshua: 'As for me and my house we will serve AHAYAH' (Jos.24:15). Father, please grant us the wisdom to see the traps satan has put before us and the strength to resist so that we will be counted amongst the overcomers. Aman.