"I tell you, there is joy before the angels of God over one sinner who repents" (Luke 15:10).
Father Yahuah, today we come before you to plead for mercy for sinners. Father we see around us much brokenness and many who are trapped in the snares of the enemy. Many are so tightly bound in a web of sin that it is impossible for them to conceive that a Holy God could forgive or even love them. Father, we know You are the Almighty Elohyim, Creator of heaven and earth; but we also know You as a merciful Elohyim and loving Father. Knowing this, in faith we bring these ones who are suffering before You to make a way where there is no way.
Father, we also pray for those who are lost, alone, unloved, and in need of a Saviour. Those who have been so disappointed by the struggles of this life that it is difficult for them to receive love from others. Father there are so many who do not have parents, children or loved ones who pray for them. We also think of those who have disappointed others or their loved ones so much that their loved ones can no longer show them love or compassion. Thank you Father that Your Word states that a bruised reed You will not break, and a smouldering wick You will not snuff out, and that in faithfulness You will bring forth justice (Isa.42:3). With this assurance we bring these before You for mercy.
Father Yahuah, today to we pray for all the prodigals. Those who know you but have taken a different course in life that led them away from You. We also pray for the backslidden, whose love for you has grown cold and who now find themselves on the highway that leads to destruction. Father thank you for the encouraging story of the prodigal son in Luke 15 that so beautifully describes Your love, mercy and longsuffering regardless of our sin and how we often disappoint You with our poor decisions and life choices.
Father we are encouraged when we see the transformation You have brought about in the lives of many and we understand that no one is too far down for You to save them. We have seen Your workmanship in our own lives. Father we know that this process of refinement is ongoing. We plead that you do it also for all those we bring before You in this petition. Please draw their spirits to You and orchestrate the circumstances in their lives that would remove the scales from their eyes so that they can see how much they need You. Father, please grant them the wisdom to cry out to You in their hour of distress and bring them to repentance.
Father Yahuah, thank you that you sent Your son to die in our place so that there is for us forgiveness of sin. Father, today we stand in the gap for all those we bring before You and we ask for forgiveness of their sins. Thank you that we know that everyone who calls on Your name will be saved (Rom.10:13). Hallelujah! We pray this in Jesus' name. Aman.