Although the Word warns us that satan, our great enemy, prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour (1Pet.5:18), I would like to assure you that we are not defenceless. The God we serve is almighty, omnipresent, all-knowing and all powerful; and, He is also our loving Father. He knows the enemy we are up against and in His love and foresight He has made provision for our protection to enable us to take our stand against satan's schemes. I will elaborate on this over the next few posts, but for today I would like to discuss the 'armour of God' as recorded in Ephesians 6:13-18.

The armour includes the following:

  1. Belt of truth
  2. Breastplate of righteousness
  3. For shoes the gospel of peace
  4. Shield of faith
  5. Helmet of salvation
  6. Sword which is the Word of God
  7. Prayer

My Prayer

Father Yahuah, thank you for the armour You have given us to protect us from the enemy. Thank you that in all these things we are more than conquerors through You who love us. Hallelujah!

Father Yahuah, thank you that You reign and that you are the same yesterday, today and forever. Thank you for your love; that you knew me before I was formed in my mother's womb. It is with this truth that I can gird my waist.

Father, I plead forgiveness for my sins. Please forgive me for the thoughts, words, actions and inaction that were not pleasing to you. Please wash me with the cleansing blood of Jesus so I can stand before You in the righteousness of Christ as my breast plate.

Father I step out this day with my feet shod in the gospel of peace. Please grant me the boldness to tell others about Your love and mercy and Your gift of salvation through the blood of the Lamb.

Thank you Father, that You go before me to fight against my enemies. This is my shield of faith that makes the flaming arrows from by enemy useless.

Father I rejoice in putting on the helmet of salvation. Thank you for the joy and the peace that comes from knowing that I will spend eternity with you.

Father, thank you for Your Word. This is my sword with which I annihilate the enemy. Thank you that Your Word states that I have authority over all the power of the enemy and that no weapon from the enemy formed against me will prosper. Hallelujah.

Thank you Father that you hear our prayers when we cry out to you. Thank you that Your arm is not too short to save us.

Father, I rejoice knowing that if You are for me, who can be against me?" I love You and I worship and praise You. In Jesus' name. Aman.