Today I would like to share how I observe the Sabbath. This is a recent thing for me. I have always observed the Sabbath on a Sunday. I have been a regular church goer and active participant of various churches over the years. This was until I was convicted in my spirit by this verse: "Our fathers have inherited naught by lies, worthless things in which there is no profit" (Jer.16:19). Also, "I hate, I despise your feasts, and I take no delight in your solemn assemblies" (Amos 5:21). These verses prompted me to evaluate whether my worship is pleasing to the Most High Father. I started to understand that the Appointed Feasts Father Yahuah introduced through Moses, including the Sabbath, recorded for us in Levitus 23 are meant to be statutes for all generations forever. After much soul-searching, deliberation, delay and contemplation I finally decided about three years ago that I could no longer continue on a path other than the one Father Yahuah has prescribed for us. Since then my way of honouring the Sabbath has gradually taken shape into what I am sharing today.

This is what my routine on the Sabbath looks like:

  1. Starting at sunset on a Friday, I light a candle, say a prayer and read scriptures. Father led me to Ezekiel 20 yesterday after I asked for scripture about the Sabbath. That is what inspired my post on Friday.
  2. At 10pm on Fridays I attend a live Prayer and Worship Service via Zoom with Wakefulness Theology, a Group I joined around 2017.
  3. Although not prescribed in scripture, I do a 24 hour water fast every Sabbath. Jesus told us that in certain circumstances victory against the enemy is only achieved through prayer and fasting.
  4. I do no work on the Sabbath. It's a day of rest and refraining from the things one would normally do. I make sure all household chores are done beforehand.
  5. I also refrain from shopping. I have fallen into the trap of online shopping before, however, I repented and now steer clear from all forms of shopping.
  6. The Sabbath is a day of being still and spending time with Father through reading of the Word, prayer and being in stillness before Father. Going forward, I would like to include more singing into my praise and worship on the Sabbath.
  7. I try to watch at least one teaching video or sermon. I have learnt much from the teachings of Joe Sweet from the Shekinah Worship Centre, Derek Prince and many others on YouTube.
  8. As my offering to Yah, I am planning to do a post to share the Good news, His love and His call to us to repent, each Sabbath.
  9. Finally, I end the Sabbath by taking Holy Communion, reflecting on the sacrifice Jesus made by dying for me and all of us for our sins.

My Prayer

Father Yahuah, thank you for the Sabbath, for a day of rest and to draw close to You. Father, I know that you call us to do this every day, but thank you for appointing a day for us where all the noise of normal life stops so that we can only focus on You. We honour You and we worship You and we desire to walk in Your commandments. Please continue to instruct us and teach us Your way. We pray in Jesus name. Aman.