For over a year now the impact of the corona pandemic is felt in countries across the globe. Not one has escaped loss of life and many are struggling under the burden of financial devastation as a result of lockdowns. While most countries are currently rolling out programmes supported by the pharmaceutical industry in response to the pandemic, one country is adopting a unique approach. This country is turning to God and calling its people to fast and pray. The President of the Tanzania, John Magufuli, urged his people on Sunday (21 Feb 2021) to put God first while the Prime Minister of Tanzania, Kassim Majaliwa, asked the country to remain united and to continue to rely on God. He also urged religious leaders to continue to pray for the nation and its leaders. As one can expect, this stance has triggered widescale criticism and condemnation from international organisations and other nations and in the media.

I do not know much about the politics and the events in Tanzania. However, I do know that God honours those who trust in Him. In 2 Chronicles 20 we read about the prayer of King Jehoshaphat, King of Judah, when his country was surrounded by vast enemy forces. He called a fast and cried out to God, "O Lord God of our fathers, art thou not God in heaven? Dost thou not rule over all kingdoms of the nations? In thy hand are power and might, so that none is able to withstand Thee". This is what God answered to a people who put their trust in Him, "Fear not, and be not dismayed at this great multitude, for the battle is not your but God's….. You will not need to fight in this battle; take your position, stand still, and see the victory of the Lord on your behalf". The next morning before the battle, the King encouraged his army with these words, "Believe in the Lord your God, and you will be established" (2Chr20:6-20). The rest of the chapter tells about how God set an ambush against the enemy who then fought among themselves destroying all of them, allowing Judah to take great spoils.

Knowing the God we serve and trusting in Him to protect us is wisdom. It may not sit comfortably with our instinct to control and take charge. However, there are several incidents in scripture about the supernatural acts from God to rescue and save His people. The Word teaches us, "Trust in the Lord with all your hear and lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight" (Pro.3:5-6).

Brothers and Sisters, please join me in prayer for the people of Tanzania.

Our Prayer Father Yahuah, thank you that You reign. Today we bring before you the people of Tanzania, a people who are looking to You for deliverance from those coming against them. Today we stand in the gap and cry out to you on their behalf as the Psalmist did, "O Yahuah, how many are my foes! Many are rising against me; many are saying of me, there is no help for him in Elohiym. But thou, O Yahuah, are a shield about me, my glory and the lifter of my head. (Ps.3:1-3) Hallelujah!

Father, we plead that you lend your ear to this petition and that You intervene on behalf of the people of Tanzania who are calling upon You in their hour of need when the world is rising against them for the stance they have taken regarding this pandemic. Please create a fiery hedge of protection around them and grant them them Your blessings promised to us through Moses (Deut.28). Please pour your favour out upon them. Please let them be the head and not the tail. Please make them fruitful in the field and in the city. Please smite the enemies that rise up against this nation so that those who come in one way will flee before them 7 ways. Father, please bless their storehouses and all that they set their hand to.

Father Yahuah, we ask that You instruct them and teach them Your way. Please counsel them with Your eye upon them (Ps. 32:8) so that they will guard Your commandments and walk in Your ways.

I pray for the leaders of this land. Please cover their minds, their bodies and their spirits with Your precious blood. Please give them wisdom to navigate through these challenging times. Please deepen their faith so that they will stand firm on Your promises and please send Your warring angels to protect them and their families.

Please pour Your Spirit out over all the people of this nation. Please guide the people in unity and in fear of the living Elohiym. Please manifest your love and your power through healings, miracles and provision where it is needed. And lead this people to be a people who know and who fear You and raise them up as a holy people unto You.

Father Yahuah we pray that all the people of the earth will witness how You protect those who honour You and look to You for protection. I pray that the hearts of this generation will turn again to the Father, our Elohiym. That they will be convicted of their ways, repent of their sins and receive Your salvation.

Father, we worship You, we honour You and we praise You. We give thanks to You for love and Your sacrifice on the cross that opened the door to all of us to eternal life. Thank you for hearing our prayer this day. We pray in the mighty name of Yahushua, our Saviour and soon returning King. Aman.