I have a question for you today. Would you recognise the anti-Christ when he appears on the scene?

Matthew 24:24 tells us that false Christs and false prophets will arise and show great signs and wonders, so as to lead astray, if possible, even the elect. I would like to encourage you to know the Word in order not to be deceived by impressive signs and miracles displayed by him who will step forward as 'the saviour of the world' yet fully possessed by satan.

Looking at the world scene today there are many leaders who display antichrist like characteristics. The Word states that many antichrists have already come (1 John 2:18). However, the final anti-Christ will dominate the world stage and will be admired and respected not just in his own country. Revelation 13:7 states: "And authority was given it over every tribe and people and tongue and nation". So someone striving to exert influence on a worldwide scale should alert us to danger.

Let us be reminded of the circumstances that brought Hitler to power. He capitalised on the post World War One chaos and the fears and difficulties of the people brought about by the great depression of the 1930's. Through his powerful oratory he won the hearts and minds of many in his nation and created a following that enabled him to eventually exterminate 11 million people including Jews, Slavs and others considered 'undesireable'. Looking back at this we can see the antichrist traits in all his doings.

So how do we prepare ourselves not to be misled by satan?

  1. We need to walk in close relationship with Holy Yahushua. In John15:4 Jesus instructs us to abide in Him and he will abide in us.
  2. We must know the Word and study the scriptures. The Word states, "My people perish for lack of knowledge" (Hosea 4:6). The Word teaches us how to discern the times and what is coming.
  3. You shall know them by their fruit (Matthew 7:15-20). By reference of his title, the fruit of the anti-Christ is in opposition to God. Leaders who show no reverence to God and who operate in rebellion to the commandments of the Most High Father should alert us to danger.

We are at the time of the end as recorded for us in Matthew 24 and in the Revelation. The trials and tribulation to come will unfold at a worldwide scale. Let us stay alert and vigilant, and not allow ourselves to be taken in by somebody's charisma and sweet promises. Let us put our faith, trust and allegiance to the only One who can save this world, Holy Yahushua, our soon returning King.