I recently found myself in a situation where I could not speak what was first and foremost on my mind. Yet, it is something that has to be said. Ezekiel 33.3 warns that if a watchman sees danger and does not warn, then the blood of those slain will be on his hands. I do not wish the blood of anyone, least those I love, on my hands, hence I am issuing this warning today. I beg that you will listen to these words and seek your confirmation directly from the Most High Father. The Word assures us that when we earnestly seek His face that He will answer us.

Governments around the world are working feverishly to roll out a solution to bring about immunity to their people to the current plague. I am warning each and everyone today that this shot that is about to be released to protect people from the pandemic will result in eternal separation from God.

God sent Moses to lead the Israelites out of Egypt where they were enslaved for 400 years to the land He promised to Abraham, a land flowing with milk and honey. Through awesome signs and miracles, recorded for us in the Book of Exodus, God led His people out of slavery - He parted the Red Sea, destroyed the mighty army of Egypt, led the people by a cloud during the day and a pillar of fire during the night and fed them manna, and for 40 years their sandals did not wear out.

Today we are enslaved by a beast system where God has been removed from every sphere of society. As a result we find ourselves living in a society that is covered in darkness, we see abuse of the vulnerable, excess greed while many work hard, yet do not enjoy the fruit of their labour. People elected to rule over us often display lack of wisdom and many are driven by pride and greed and in the process abuse our trust.

God has sent Jesus to lead us out of slavery - to release us from the beast system. Through the blood of Jesus there is for us forgiveness of sins and His resurrection assures us of the reality of Kingdom of Heaven. John 3:16 states that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life. I am sure that when we reflect on our own life we recognise how Jesus has saved us from a life of sin and death and how He has been steering us, guiding and protecting us. Supernatural coincidences, provision, breakthroughs and blessings are all examples of how God is leading and guiding us to our promise land. However, the enemy of our souls is working around the clock to prevent us from reaching this goal. This shot referred to above is a poison potion from the hand of satan that will cause your genetic make-up to change and cause you to be eternally separated from God. Daniel 2:31 onwards tells us that the toes of the great statue the king dreamt about was made of iron and clay. Our bodies are made of clay and this shot will place the iron into our bodies through the use of nan-o technology.

My prayer today is that you will pray earnestly to God to obtain your own confirmation about this very serious warning I am giving here. Please seek God's face through fasting and prayer. Humble yourself before the Great God, your Creator, by falling on your knees and crying out to Him for direction. The consequences I am putting forward is eternal damnation in the pit of fire. Please do not risk this path through a spirit of pride or a spirit of fear. I urge you not to receive this shot until you have received direction, not from man, but from the Most High God who loves you.

Holy, Faithful and True is Jesus, our Messiah. Aman.