Holy Yahushua, Your Word says that You oppose the proud, but that You give grace to the humble (James 4:6).
Father please forgive us our pride. Forgive us for allowing our spirits to become puffed up when we experience success, thinking that we have achieved it through our own strength or brilliance. Forgive us for often thinking that we are better than others when we have achieved and they did not. Forgive us for not acknowledging You for the blessings we receive out of Your hand.
Please help us to see that our understanding and our way of thinking are incorrect. Please teach us humility. Help us to see that it has been Your hand who have been holding us up and who have been leading and guiding us. Thank you for that. Thank you for Your steadfast love, Your faithfulness and patience with us.
I pray this in the name of Yahushua HaMasiach. Aman.