Holy Yahushau we come before you today to pray for those who are suffering from mental health disorders.
Father you came to set the captives free. Please break the chains of those trapped by mental health disorders like depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, eating disorders, addictive behaviour, bipolar, narcissism and more. We also pray for those with degenerative conditions like Alzheimers, dementia and Parkinsons. Please restore those whose judgements have been impaired and who are not in their right mind to understand the need for repentance. We stand in the gap for all those today and plead for your forgiveness on their behalf.
We also pray for those who look after and are impacted by the illness of their loved ones. In your mercy please strengthen and support them in the situations they are dealing with.
Thank you Father that we can with confidence come and lay down our pleas for healing of our loved ones before you, knowing that by Your stripes we are healed.
We pray this in the mighty name of Holy Yahushua. Aman.