"And I tell you, Ask, and it will be given you; seek, and you will find; knock and it will be opened to you (Luke 11:9)"

Holy Yahushua, Your Word says that if we ask it will be given unto us. Today we come before you to ask for healing of our loved ones and the people we know.

We are suffering from many ailments that can be debilitating and even cause death. We have seen advances in medical technology and science and yet as a generation we suffer gravely from health issues. Tonight we are praying for those with arthritis, dementia, diabetes, heart problems, high blood pressure, multiple sclerosis, cancer, those on the autistic spectrum, those suffering from the covid virus, and so many more.

Father, we know that by Your stripes we are healed. In Your mercy, please heal our loved ones and those we are bringing before you today. Please break the dependency on medication and grant us all the wisdom to know what foods to eat and what to avoid and give us the motivation to lead more active lives.

Father we are not only praying for the physical healing of our loved ones. We are also praying for their souls and ask that you would draw them to you. Please convict them and all of us of our sins and lead us to repentance.

Thank you Holy Yahushua that we can ask this in Your name. Aman.