Holy Yahushua, today we come to pray for our young people who are leaving home for the first time to go off to places of further learning. Please guide them and their parents in the preparation for this big step. As our young people leave the protective environment of their homes to fend for themselves, they need You to guide them, lead them and protect them. In Your mercy, please keep them under the protection of Your wings. Please help them to seek You and find You and call upon You in all that they do as they journey through this phase of their lives. Please instruct them and teach them the way they should go. Please grant them the wisdom to make wise decisions and protect them from influences that will be detrimental to their growth and development in You. As they seek to make new friends please bring people into their path that will have a positive and edifying influence on their lives. We pray that all learning, whether academically or socially, will help them to grow into individuals that can rightly distinguish between right and wrong. Please help them to grow in the person You have made them to be and lead them on the path You have planned for their lives. We pray this in the mighty name of Holy Yahushua. Aman.