Jesus, You told Pharisees the parable of the king who invited guests to his son's marriage feast but the guests came up with different excuses not to come.
Dear Lord Jesus, today we come to pray for wisdom. You are inviting all of us today to the marriage supper of the Lamb. Thank you that this is an open invitation to all and that no one is excluded. I pray for all who have not yet accepted Your invitation; those caught up with the cares of the day, be it work, careers, entertainment, sport, building their profile on social media, or whatever else. Please grant them wisdom to see the schemes used by the enemy of their souls to distract them and trap them in activities that are temporary and that may cause them to miss out on participation in the marriage supper of the Lamb.
I also pray for wisdom not to make mistake of the Pharisees who did not recognise You as the Messiah when You were walking in their midsts. Help us not to be so stuck in our ways that we do not recognise You speaking to us and warning us of things to come. Help us to keep our eyes focused on You so that we would always be walking within Your will and in Your ways. Aman.