Pentecost is upon us. Let us all prepare ourselves and ask our Lord Jesus to baptise us with the Holy Spirit.

At the time of His Ascension Jesus reiterated the Great Commission to his disciples and instructed them to be His witnesses in Jerusalem and in Judea and in Samaria and to the end of the earth. Jesus also told them to remain in Jerusalem until they receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:8). After the Ascension the disciples met together in the upper room where they were staying and devoted themselves with one accord to prayer.

The baptism of the Holy Spirit came upon them on the day of Pentecost with tongues of fire resting on each of them and with all of them speaking in other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance (Acts 2:3-4).

This baptism of the Holy Spirit was what the disciples needed to carry out the great commission. The rest of the book of Acts describes the boldness with which the Gospel of Jesus Christ was spread regardless of the persecution they suffered.

Today, we as followers of Jesus are commissioned to spread the Gospel to a generation who do not know Jesus. It is up to us to tell them about the love of Jesus, his death on the cross for our sins and the requirement for repentance and the turning away from sin in order to enjoy eternal life. This is a message people are not interested to hear and we are not comfortable to share. However, without this knowledge and repentance they are doomed to eternal separation from God.

We therefore need the infilling of the Holy Spirit to enabled us to operate in the gifts of the Spirit to reach a lost generation.

My Prayer

Dear Lord Jesus please baptise us with Your Holy Spirit. Please guide us in preparing ourselves through repentance and the laying down of our sinful fleshly nature to become empty of self so that we can receive the infilling of Your Spirit. Amen.